Our company’s vision is to offer quality customer service, while also respecting the environment. Thiral has incorporated certain practices in its supply chain, which significantly improve its efficiency in environmental management. Our quality system, which complies with ISO 9001/2000, helps to achieve this goal.
As far as our products are concerned, Thiral’s research and development teams are closely engaged in improving their standards, so they will be environmentally friendly without compromising their quality and endurance. In particular, as regards the chemical preparation of dye, chromium-free materials are used in order to reduce pollutants that are harmful to the environment and to humans. Investments, as well as continuous checks, have rendered THIRAL’s paintshop one of our country’s “green” paintshops. During production, modern, energy-saving machinery is used, thus achieving lower operating costs as well.
Environmentally efficient practices are also applied to the process of selecting our fleet, machinery and equipment. In the same vein, we recently replaced a number of our trucks with new hybrid vehicles, the engines of which reduce dangerous pollutants. Furthermore, most of Thiral’s suppliers are based in the region of Macedonia, thus significantly minimising transport costs and pollutants associated with this activity.
Regarding storage, no particular temperature is necessary for the company’s products. Therefore, due to their nature, the consumption of large amounts of energy during storage is avoided. Additionally, we do not hold large stock of our products, as they are produced on demand and are tailored to meet the customer’s requirements in terms of size, quality, colour, etc.. This also minimises product returns, and, thus, the costs associated with them.
Great attention is paid to the management of the reverse supply chain. The aluminum waste left over from the manufacturing of products is recycled with the purpose of being reused in the production of other items. Therefore, we achieve financial gain, as well as more efficient environmental management.